الأحد، 8 يونيو 2008

The Legion Resource Management System
Lecture Notes In Computer Science; Vol. 1659 archiveProceedings of the Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing table of contents
Pages: 162 - 178
Year of Publication: 1999
Steve J. Chapin
Dimitrios Katramatos
John F. Karpovich
Andrew S. Grimshaw
Springer-Verlag London, UK
Downloads (6 Weeks): n/a, Downloads (12 Months): n/a, Citation Count: 15
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cited by collaborative colleagues
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Chunlin Li , Layuan Li , Zhengding Lu, Utility driven dynamic resource allocation using competitive markets in computational grid, Advances in Engineering Software, v.36 n.6, p.425-434, June 2005

Li Chunlin , Li Layuan, A distributed utility-based two level market solution for optimal resource scheduling in computational grid, Parallel Computing, v.31 n.3+4, p.332-351, March/April 2005

Li ChunLin , Li Layuan, A two level market model for resource allocation optimization in computational grid, Proceedings of the 2nd conference on Computing frontiers, May 04-06, 2005, Ischia, Italy

Chunming Hu , Yanmin Zhu , Jinpeng Huai , Yunhao Liu , Lionel M. Ni, S-Club: an overlay-based efficient service discovery mechanism in CROWN Grid, Knowledge and Information Systems, v.12 n.1, p.55-75, May 2007

Jinpeng Huai , Tianyu Wo , Yunhao Liu, Resource management and organization in CROWN grid, Proceedings of the 1st international conference on Scalable information systems, p.10-es, May 30-June 01, 2006, Hong Kong

L. Mohammad Khanli , M. Analoui, Grid-JQA: grid Java based quality of service management by active database, Proceedings of the 2006 Australasian workshops on Grid computing and e-research, p.41-45, January 16-19, 2006, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

Li Chunlin , Li Layuan, Apply agent to build grid service management, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, v.26 n.4, p.323-340, November 2003

Martin Modahl , Bikash Agarwalla , Gregory Abowd , Umakishore Ramachandran , T. Scott Saponas, Toward a standard ubiquitous computing framework, Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Middleware for pervasive and ad-hoc computing, p.135-139, October 18-22, 2004, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ali R. Butt , Rongmei Zhang , Y. Charlie Hu, A self-organizing flock of condors, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, v.66 n.1, p.145-161, January 2006

David Abramson , Rajkumar Buyya , Jonathan Giddy, A computational economy for grid computing and its implementation in the Nimrod-G resource broker, Future Generation Computer Systems, v.18 n.8, p.1061-1074, October 2002

Feng Zhang , Andryas Mawardi , Eugene Santos, Jr. , Ranga Pitchumani , Luke E. K. Achenie, Examination of load-balancing methods to improve efficiency of a composite materials manufacturing process simulation under uncertainty using distributed computing, Future Generation Computer Systems, v.22 n.5, p.571-587, April 2006

XiaoShan He , XianHe Sun , Gregor von Laszewski, QoS guided min-min heuristic for grid task scheduling, Journal of Computer Science and Technology, v.18 n.4, p.442-451, July 2003

Srikumar Venugopal , Rajkumar Buyya , Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, A taxonomy of Data Grids for distributed data sharing, management, and processing, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), v.38 n.1, p.3-es, 2006

Li Chunlin , Li Layuan, The use of economic agents under price driven mechanism in grid resource management, Journal of Systems Architecture: the EUROMICRO Journal, v.50 n.9, p.521-535, September 2004

Li Chunlin , Li Layuan, Integrate software agents and CORBA in computational grid, Computer Standards & Interfaces, v.25 n.4, p.357-371, August 2003
Collaborative Colleagues:
Steve J. Chapin: colleagues
Dimitrios Katramatos: colleagues
John F. Karpovich: colleagues
Andrew S. Grimshaw: colleagues

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